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PARS Pricing
The assessment business is serious business!


PARS, the Parkinson's Assessment & Research System, is here and there is a special program for you whether you are a tenured RSB gym or a brand new RB affiliate!


And once your special promotional period is over, Boxers with Parkinson's introduces tiered pricing plans to keep it simple.  You will know what your monthly subscription fee is, what the average cost per fighter is and what the average cost per assessment is.  Regardless if you have one or multiple locations, 4 or 400 fighters, PARS will grow with you.  





per Month *



Avg. Cost /


Avg. Cost /



Rotary BETA Grant


New RSB Affiliate

0 < 12 2-3 $  9.00 $ .82 $3.86 Note 3
1 12 to 23 4-6 $17.50 .76 3.62 Note 3
2 24 to 35 6-8 $24.00 .69 3.27 Note 3
3 36 to 47 8-10 $30.00 .64 3.05 Note 3
4 48 to 63 10-12 $40.00 .62 $2.89 Note 3
5 64 to 95 16-18 $56.00 .59 $2.82 Note 3
6 96 to 149


$84.00 .56 $2.78 Note 3

Major Provider

150+   Quote     Note 4


How does PARS make you money?  Let's look at a RSB gym with 32 active boxers.  Add a couple new boxers and lose a boxer each month.  That's about 84 assessments per year or 7 assessments per month. 

At $24 per month, each assessment costs about $3.42.  Averaging a half hour for each assessment, coach time allocation would be about $20, ($40 / hr rate), the individual assessment cost would be $23.43.  Charge $40 per assessment for a 41% margin...  $50.00 for a 53% margin... $60.00 for a 61% margin!  At $60, after paying your coach and the PARS subscription, you'll earn an extra $3,072 this year!  And profits grow as you grow!

* Billing tier is based on total assessments per month.  Providers going over their assessment allowance in a month are not billed for the overage.  Providers are moved up a tier when they exceed their assessment allowance two months in a row.

Note 1:  RSB affiliate with more than 12 fighters.  Limited to 20 Beta Providers regardless of number of fighters or locations.  Includes Provider training and 1 coach assessment certification per location.  Term is 1 year after which the Provider will be billed at the appropriate tier.  No obligation.  No risk.  Cancel at any time. 

Note 2: New, first time RSB affiliate.  Includes Provider training and 1 coach assessment certification.  Term is 1 year after which the Provider will be billed at the appropriate tier.  No obligation.  No risk.  Cancel at any time. 

Note 3:  First year is flat rate and not subject to increases. Member may have lots of training assessments and the first couple months may include whole-gym catch-up assessments which will not reflect the ongoing average monthly assessment load and may result in bunched future reassessments.  Beginning in month 13, accounts will be reviewed every 6 months based on the average assessments per month over the previous 6-months to determine the appropriate plan.

Note 4:  With more than 150 fighters, Providers are likely to have multiple locations and possibly other special needs or conditions.  Each Provider's billing as well as terms and conditions may be negotiated specifically to meet their needs.

PARS Provider Training:  An online course for assessment providers on topics such as implementation, space set-up, assessments as a service, establishing the value of PARS assessments, positioning with your coaches and volunteers, tips and more.  The provider training course is $99.00.

Monthly Subscription Fee:  PARS is provided on a monthly subscription basis using a blended and tiered price model for simplification and clarity.  The monthly subscription includes an allowance for general administrative costs, to run the organization, channel and client support and marketing costs.  Your subscription includes an allowance based on your fighter count for an estimated number of  new intake assessments and reassessments.  This assessment allowance covers network operating expenses, network storage for data, photos and videos, maintenance, bug fixes, enhancements and next generation development.

PARS Assessment Certification:  To insure standardization and consistency, assessment coaches and administrators are required to go through online PARS Certification training.  Certification is through an online course at a cost of $49.  


Boxers with Parkinson's (c) 2022, 2023.  A Washington 501c3 nonprofit organization.