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PARS Assessment tips for coaches
April 11, 2022 @ 11:37 PM

The best option is for coaches never to do an assessment again!  Deligate!  Read "PARS Coordinators: Worth thier weight in gold"  But if you insist...
PARS is intuitive and easy to use.  However, it is comprehensive and coaches have lots of questions as they use it the first few times.  Coaches become more comfortable and more efficient as they use the app. 
  • Coaches can get familiar with the content and features of the app by creating a couple fake boxers.  Go slow and think about the pages.  Create a fake intake assessment (ENB) using a date a year ago and a fake reassessment dated today for that boxer.
  • Study your fake boxer PARs.  What information is on the BAR?  What do they tell you about your fake boxer?  What would you talk to your boxer about during a PAR consultation.  If you were a coach who did not do the actual assessment, does the BAR give you a good feel for this boxer without meeting them?
  • Coaches will struggle with their first live intake assessment and their first live reassessment.  Give yourself extra time and let the boxer know you are using PARS for the first time.  Relax, you can come back and edit most information later if you need to.
  • Study your live boxer PARs.  Do the scores match what you see in front of you?  Does the boxer agree that the scores match what they see/feel?  How will this new way of seeing your boxers impact the way you coach them?
  • Coaches will get more efficient and more comfortable using the PARS app by their 3rd or 4th assessments and the process will be natural with a few more live runs.  Assessments will go faster and the quality of information will improve.

I recently did an intake assessment for a new level 1 boxer in 40 minutes.  Full assessment including the PDQ, FAB, TUG, S2S and consultation.  Here are the keys to assessment efficiency:

  • Get Rock Steady, Parkinson's and general small talk out of the way before you begin the assessment.
  • Take the boxer to a dedicated photo area saying "Follow me so we can begin your assessment."  In this area, get their personal information including photos. 
  • Next, lead them to a chair in the physical test area and continue asking about medications, health and heart information. 
  • Then hand them the tablet for the PDQ.  Give them the instructions, have them touch the sample screen answers and when they begin... back up a couple feet.  Watch to make sure they are comfortable with the tablet and the PDQ.  If they need your help, move closer.  If they are good, move farther away.  A level 1 boxer should finish the PDQ in about 4 minutes.
  • When they let you  know they are done with the PDQ, take the tablet back and with them still in the chair, kneel beside them for a brief discussion about the PDQ summary.  2 minutes max.  It will be more meaningful after you also have the physical test scores.
  • Have them stand and prepare for the physical tests.  With the tablet in your hand, tell them there are 12 tests averaging about a minute each.  They will be done in 15 minutes.  This sets a professional purpose and time expectation.
  • Go through the physical tests with with little comment on each test.  Save your observations for the consultation at the end using the physical test summary page.
  • The Boxer assessment report.  When you are done, you will print the BAR.  The Boxer Assessment Report.   Here you can see the PDQ and the physical tests.  This is the time for boxer/family/coach consultation.
  • Email them their BAR... (include all your coaches as well) and you are done.

I like to set new boxer reassessments in 3 months.  Typically they will be surprised by their improvement and the coach gets to take stock of how they are doing overall.  This could be an important time in the long term retention of the boxer.

Managing the assessment from a time perspective is not about speed... How fast can you do an assessment?  It is about efficiency.  A balance of the coaches time, a complete and comprehensive assessment and the boxer's questions.  Now that I have done a 40 minute intake assessment... my goal is not getting to 30 minutes!  I now know that a complete and comprehensive intake assessment should take between 40 and 60 minutes (L1,2,3).  I can pay my coaches for 60 minutes and that is fair.  One goes faster, the next one longer.

I hear coaches say that they don't want to be rushed.  The boxers are too important.  Give them what they need.  That implies that my neurologist doesn't care about me because they manage their day to the minute.  I get 15 minutes.  You are running a business and your business practices need to be professional... not perfect or unending.

Coaches are the key to a great assessment.  The PARS assessment is a key tool in establishing the coach's credibility and boxer loyalty.  It takes a little work to get proficient with PARS but PARS will elevate your relationship with your boxers.   

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Boxers with Parkinson's (c) 2022, 2023.  A Washington 501c3 nonprofit organization.