January 30, 2024 @ 3:37 PM

A great use of assessments is a 60- or 90-day check up for new boxers.  With RSB, so much can change very quickly for a new boxer.  We are a PARS gym so we have detailed analysis for assessments.  Here is one case.

John (not his real name but permission given to use his information), 69, joined us 2 months ago.  He was diagnosed 8 years ago, is overweight at 250 pounds, a Stage 3 boxer.  He has been attending RSB 2-3 times a week and he comes early to socialize and do his laps. 

We did John’s new boxer reassessment at 60 days. He has lost 10 pounds.  From the PDQ, his mobility and daily living score improved from 64 to 69 and his social and emotional score improved from 75 to 80. His balance improved from 35 to 58.  His Turn 360 improved from 24 to 12 steps.  His standing Jump increased from 0 to 7 inches.  His TUG time fell from 12.4 to 8.7 seconds, and his S2S stands went from 0 to 7.  His overall physical score increased from 43 to 69!

The scores were significant and RSB is really working for John.  However, John’s reaction was very telling.  He was so proud and pleased with himself and RSB.  He is committed to losing weight and continuing to work on his fitness and endurance.  He’s challenging himself to improve his standing jump, S2S and TUG.  He was eager to show his Boxer Assessment Report to his family when he gets home.

New boxer reassessments are an important tool for our coaches.  They show a boxer’s progress, or lack thereof, in easy-to-understand graphs.  If they are not showing progress, the coaches can intervene early to help the boxer get the most of RSB.  If the boxer shows improvement, it supports their reason for doing RSB, makes their commitment even stronger and encourages them to work harder.